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Rich Piana Knocked The F*ck Out 162g – 5% Nutrition - Honey Lemon Tea

There’s no way around it. No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, you won’t grow if you don’t recover. Recovery is one of the keys to muscle growth and one of the keys to recovery is deep, restful sleep. If you consistently fail to get a...

5% Rich Piana

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There’s no way around it. No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, you won’t grow if you don’t recover. Recovery is one of the keys to muscle growth and one of the keys to recovery is deep, restful sleep.

If you consistently fail to get a good night’s sleep, you’ll experience the destructive effects of catabolic hormones such as cortisol. What are these negative effects? Two examples are muscle loss and potential fat gain.

Knocked The F*ck Out by Rich Piana 5% Nutrition is the ultimate natural sleep aid! This product combines herbs, amino acids, and natural ingredients to create a formula that will help you relax and fall into a deep, restful sleep. We’re talking about ingredients like GABA, Melatonin, Chamomile, 5-HTP, and Tryptophan, just to name a few. So get some serious sleep and keep those gains coming!

GABA - 750 mg 

This is a non-protein amino acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. This means that it helps to promote relaxation, which is critical to being able to fall asleep every night. Often used as a sleep aid, research indicates it also stimulates GH release.(1,2)

L-Tyrosine - 750 mg 

Tyrosine is a very popular cognitive enhancer that increases levels of the neurotransmitters noradrenaline and dopamine. Increased levels of these neurotransmitters improve mood and focus while relieving feelings of anxiety as well as stress.(3)

Chamomile - 650 mg 

Chamomile has an extended history of use in traditional medicine in helping to stimulate sleep. The relaxing effects of Chamomile may be due to naturally high levels of an antioxidant known as apigenin that attaches to specific receptors in the brain that help promote relaxation and stimulate sleep.(4)

Inositol - 500 mg

Also known as Vitamin B8, this ingredient promotes increases levels of serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter that can help you relax and fall asleep.(5)

Lemon Balm - 500 mg 

This herb has a long medicinal history as a relaxant that helps the body cope with stress.(6)

L-Tryptophan - 500 mg 

This essential amino acid has a long history of use as a sleep aid due to its ability to stimulate serotonin release in the brain. As stated above, serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that helps the body relax and fall asleep.(7)

Mucuna Pruriens - 200 mg 

This Ayurvedic herb is a natural source of L-Dopa which is a precursor to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is involved in the release of Growth Hormone.(8,9)

Passion Flower - 200 mg 

This is a flowering plant with an extended history in traditional medicine to promote relaxation. It’s thought to work with GABA to help calm the mind.

Hibiscus Flower - 200 mg 

This herbal extract provides numerous immune and digestive benefits as well as helping the body cope with anxiety.

L-Phenylalanine - 75 mg 

Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that’s a precursor of the amino acid Tyrosine, which as we have seen above is an amino acid that combats anxiety and stress while supporting focus.

L-Theanine - 75 mg 

This is an amino acid that’s thought to help combat stress and may support your ability to fall asleep. Additionally, it can support a state of non-drowsy relaxation making it popular to help tone down the effects of Caffeine.(10)

5-HTP - 30 mg 

5-HTP is made in the body from Tryptophan and is converted in the body into serotonin, which in turn can be converted into the hormone melatonin. Melatonin plays an important role in regulating sleep. Its levels begin to rise in the evening to promote sleep and fall in the morning to help wake you up.(11)

Melatonin - 8 mg 

Melatonin is a hormone that works with your body’s circadian rhythm, which is your body’s internal wake/sleep clock. It lets you know when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. Levels of Melatonin begin to increase when it gets dark outside, telling your body it’s time to sleep.



- Deep Restful Sleep
Enhanced athletic performance and endurance

- Fast Acting
It's simple, you fall asleep fast


- Promotes Recovery
Keep growing in and out of the gym. Rest as hard as you train

- Effective Ingredients
The best combination of herbs, amino acids and natural ingredients

Why is REM sleep important?

REM is short for Rapid Eye Movement and is the deep state of restful sleep. It’s in this state that repair and recovery occurs. Additionally, this is the state of sleep that stimulates the release of GH, one of the main anabolic hormones produced by the body.

Directions for useage
Mix 1 serving with 6-8oz. cold water and consume 15-30 minutes before bedtime. Do not combine with alcohol, any other type of sleep aid or relaxant.

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