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Ghost Hydration Lemon Crush

GHOST® HYDRATION was formulated to take your water to new heights––PACKED with a mighty dose of Taurine, an awesome base of Electrolytes, Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium Citrate, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt and Aquamin™ for added hydration and a couple of our favs, PureWay-C™ (the GOAT Vitamin C) and Senactiv®. GHOST®...


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GHOST® HYDRATION was formulated to take your water to new heights––PACKED with a mighty dose of Taurine, an awesome base of Electrolytes, Potassium, Magnesium and Sodium Citrate, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt and Aquamin™ for added hydration and a couple of our favs, PureWay-C™ (the GOAT Vitamin C) and Senactiv®.

  • GHOST® Full Disclosure Label
  • Electrolytes (150MG Sodium, 375MG Potassium, 117MG Chloride, 83MG Magnesium, 60MG Calcium)
  • 135MG Vitamin C as PureWay-C™
  • 1500MG Taurine
  • 500MG Aquamin™
  • 50MG Senactiv®

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