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Few things scream 'Merica - or freedom - like crushing a workout while wearing a pair of American flag sweatpants and a bald eagle bandana. Considering that's your everyday workout attire, that essentially makes you a freedom fighter, son. And freedom fighters can't contribute to the fight for freedom with...

Merica Labz

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Few things scream 'Merica - or freedom - like crushing a workout while wearing a pair of American flag sweatpants and a bald eagle bandana. Considering that's your everyday workout attire, that essentially makes you a freedom fighter, son. And freedom fighters can't contribute to the fight for freedom with a couple of puny small arms - they need the KABOOM! Big munitions.

Well, freedom fighter, meet your best weapon in the fight against skinny arms: Stars 'N Pipes, a stim-free explosive pump agent fit for a real 'Merican hero. Stars 'N Pipes is like mixing a couple hundred lbs of TNT with Bruce Willis from Die Hard, throwing some fruit in there, and putting it all in a powder.'s that good.


  • Increase in Blood Flow
  • Increase in Muscle Volume
  • Increase in Muscle Output

Below values based on Stars 'N Pipes 402g Merican Made

  • Container Size: 402g

  • Serving Size: 20g
  • Servings Per Container: 20


  • Amount Per Serving

  • HydroMax (65% Glycerol) 5000mg
  • Betaine Anhydrous5000mg

Silica, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Sucralose. Natural and Artificial Flavoring.

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