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Animal Nitro - 44 Packs

Animal Nitro is made up of what is known as Essential Amino Acids (EAA's). EAA's get that name as our body cannot produce these nutrients by itself and it is "essential" we derive them from our diet. EAA's are the broken down forms of protein, which we know is the building...

Universal Nutrition

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Animal Nitro is made up of what is known as Essential Amino Acids (EAA's). EAA's get that name as our body cannot produce these nutrients by itself and it is "essential" we derive them from our diet. 

EAA's are the broken down forms of protein, which we know is the building blocks of muscle tissue. Each pack of Nitro contains approximately 6000mg of EAA's in the correct ratio to optimise muscle recovery and growth.

A common question in regards to supplementing with EAA's is if the contain Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). BCAA's actually make up 3 out of the 9 EAA's so whenever you consume EAA's you are also consuming BCAA's. 

Nitro used the correct ratio of BCAA's being 2 parts Leucine, to 1 part Isoleucine & Valine.  This ratio is nearly identical to the ratio found in human muscle tissue, making it optimal for recovery. 

The great part about this product? It contains 0 calories, yet contains all the important aspects of a protein source making it ideal for someone who is in a calorie controlled situation but still needs the optimal nutrients to recover. 


Suggested Use:

When lifting, there is a critical 4-hour anabolic "window of opportunity" that exists. To take advantage of this window, take 1 pack within 30 minutes following resistance training. For even better results, take 2 packs daily - the first immediately before lifting, and the second within 30 minutes after. If you use a post-training protein shake, wait at least another 30-45 minutes after you've taken the Animal Nitro pack before drinking your shake. Always take Animal Nitro on an empty stomach, preferable with 8-12 oz. of grape or other fruit juice.

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