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Mutant Lifting Straps | Pair

Mutant Lifting Straps - Loop style lifting straps- Adjustable sizing- Improves & strengthens grip These durable and strong lifting straps that have the MUTANT modified biohazard and tag line "Leave Humanity Behind" emblazoned on them will benefit you by not allowing you to fatigue the target muscle without worrying about...


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Mutant Lifting Straps

- Loop style lifting straps
- Adjustable sizing
- Improves & strengthens grip

These durable and strong lifting straps that have the MUTANT modified biohazard and tag line "Leave Humanity Behind" emblazoned on them will benefit you by not allowing you to fatigue the target muscle without worrying about your grip failing first.

When you perform a pulling movement or posterior chain exercise with maximal or near maximal weights, your grip will often give out before your upper back, traps, lats or hamstrings. To combat this, we highly recommend using MUTANT lifting straps.

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