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Applied Nutrition Shaker 700ml

The Applied Nutrition shaker is perfect for mixing your protein shakes, such as Critical Mass, or even for mixing your other water based supplements like pre-workout products such as ABE or our New Pump 3G.Our shaker has a 700ml capacity with the Applied Nutrition branding and unique blue top. The...

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The Applied Nutrition shaker is perfect for mixing your protein shakes, such as Critical Mass, or even for mixing your other water based supplements like pre-workout products such as ABE or our New Pump 3G.

Our shaker has a 700ml capacity with the Applied Nutrition branding and unique blue top. The shaker is complete with a mesh grill insert, screw on top, clip cap and leak proof design. The shaker design is simple and ergonomic, and the lightweight design makes it perfect to carry in your gym bag. The lid has a large spout enabling easy and fast consumption of your mixed product.

The Applied Nutrition shaker is perfect for creating a smooth shake, and removing any lumps. It also has convenient measurements on side of the shaker, from 100ml-700ml in 100ml increments for accuracy.

WARNING: Do not use the shaker with hot or warm fluids. Shaking hot fluids in a sealed container can cause a build up of pressure, causing the contents to be forced out of the lid when opened.

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